

Paul's music can also be found on YouTube, Amazon Music, Spotify and iTunes. To purchase one of Paul's albums, please contact him at The first two albums, The Lady and Living the Life will soon be available on YouTube.

The Complete Song Lyrics

ISBN 978-0-9935462-7-3

In light of the fact that many of the world’s greatest artists are now no more than names, with nothing remaining of their songs, dances, poems, plays, paintings or sculptures, it is of little consequence to posterity whether my compositions are remembered or not. But as they are mine, and as I have the means of giving them a nudge towards the future, I have enjoyed gathering them together.

A song is a strange gift, rarely absolutely willed, always, to some degree, given. The seed is usually something seemingly insignificant, a feeling, an idea, a phrase, a chord sequence, a snatch of melody. Sometimes the music comes first, sometimes the lyrics, but the art is to follow and amplify the inspiration rather than trying to guide it too consciously and, in that sense, it’s true to say that the best songs partly write themselves.

Presented here are one hundred and thirty titles from nine albums, issued between 1984 and 2010. In addition I have also included the lyrics of fifty or so unrecorded songs. The melodies of these latter exist only in my memory, and will therefore remain for ever unheard; but recalling the loss of masterpieces from luminaries such as Sappho, Pythagoras, Sophocles, Aristotle, and countless other geniuses, this is no great tragedy.

£ 10.00    11.50 €   Contact by e-mail

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